Monday, August 12, 2019

Human Resource policies and practises Enhances Organisation's Essay

Human Resource policies and practises Enhances Organisation's Performance and Productivity.Critically Evaluate - Essay Example Others however try to take the short cut – increase work hours, cut-costs and overload employees – and expect to see productivity increase. Such organizations too have HR policies in place and practice them rigorously, but at the cost of reduction in employee moral and commitment. Organizations spend millions annually in recruiting, training and maintaining a workforce. Some also allocate budget for introducing latest fads on People Management and try to continuously upgrade their HR systems. But do HR policies actually affect employee’s productivity? Or productivity is dependent on an individual’s general attitude towards work, irrespective of how good or bad the organization’s HR practices are? Common sense says that good HR should correlate with productivity – but do ground data support this hypothesis? The author’s reasons to undertake the above research include the quest to answer the above questions. The research will give a chance to the author to find out the diverse and current HR practices that are popular (through literature survey) and also, to interact first hand with HR managers in organizations selected for carrying out the interviews. With this, the author hopes to not only benefit as a researcher but also to get insights into the interesting realm of worker’s psychology, while at the same time conclusively establishing the truth of his chosen topic. The primary objective of the present study is to discover if HR practices and policies do indeed influence the productivity and performance of an organization. This exercise, in addition to revealing insights about popular practices, will also justify spending (in terms of time and money) over the introduction and implementation of the same. A data -base of case-studies/news/articles that elaborate how different organizations benefited due to better HR practices. Also, a primary research will be conducted where the author will administer

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